Recycling Pembroke Pines





New Recycling Process of Co-mingling Waste & Recyclables effective January 2, 2022

While this more flexible recycling method is not the final solution, the City of Pembroke Pines is
requiring residents to co-mingle both waste and recycling in their existing green garbage carts.
Even though Waste Pro will not be collecting waste and/or recycling from the blue carts, the City
is requesting residents to keep their blue recycling carts for the time being. We are making this
request because we are collaborating with Broward County and other municipalities to determine
the feasibility of opening a government-run recycling facility in Broward County. Should such a
facility open that requires the separation of recyclable materials, the City of Pembroke Pines will
be in a state of readiness to participate as we will still have the blue recycling carts.

What if I Want to Recycle the Old-Fashioned Way?

The City of Pembroke Pines is considering drop-off recycling locations east and west of
Interstate 75 where residents can drop off separated recycled materials that will not be
incinerated. Additional information regarding this option will be available after January 1, 2022.

Additional Information
Please note that these changes to the recycling and waste collection program do not affect
Condominium Residential Units (such as Century Village, Hollybrook, Park Place, Colony
Point, etc.) as these communities can negotiate their own agreements in the open market with
various Waste Haulers. If you are in a Condominium Residential Unit and want more
information regarding your community’s Waste and Recycling Program, please contact your
Homeowner’s Association (HOA).
For more information on the City’s Waste and Recycling Program, including upcoming changes
to the Bulk Waste Collection Program, please visit: or call 954-518-9000.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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