Screen Rooms, Patios, Pools , Additions


White or charcoal aluminum frame material and silver gray or charcoal fiberglass screening material (gauge 18 x 14) are the only materials allowed. The modification committee. prior to construction must approve the structure.

No aluminum, awning or flat roofing material allowed. Either the existing roof line must be extended or a screen can be installed.

Screen enclosures must follow the roof line or be one of the following styles; Gable, Mansard or Hip. The composition of all pitched roofs must match the original color, style, pitch and material of the original roof.

No screen enclosure or front door screening shall be installed on the front portion of any home. 

The outside edge of any pool, screen room, patio, addition or approved modification must be a minimum of (5') five feet from the rear property line on non-waterfront lots or lots not abutting the (25') twenty-five foot landscape buffer. The pool, screen room, patio, addition or approved modification on waterfront lots can extend up to the (20') twenty foot lake maintenance easement. Lots abutting the (25') twenty-five foot landscape buffermay have the pool, screen room, patio, addition or approved modification abut the buffer. Pool, screen room, patio, addition or approved modification within the side setback is permitted on zero line properties to within (7') seven feet of the property line, on traditional lots to within (5') five feet of the property line. Any side yard drainage easements will take precedence over side yard pools, spas, patios, screen rooms, additions or approved modification setbacks.

All requests to install swimming pools must include specifications for a fence, screen enclosure, or city required safety fence. 

Pools, screen rooms, patios and additions on lake lots must obtain South Broward Drainage District approval.

Swimming pools shall not encroach into the (20') twenty foot lake maintenance easement.

Above ground pools are prohibited.


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