Silver Lakes - Doors (Garage and Front) colors, styles and materials


Existing front doors may be replaced with wood, fiberglass or metal material. Garage door style must be approved by the modification committee. The garage and front door frame finish must be either painted the door color of the selected color scheme, stained and approved wood grain color, or a faux finish design.

Decorative glass inserts on doors are permitted. All glass inserts must have prior approval of the modification committee.

All garage and front door colors must have prior approval by the modification committee.

Prior to submitting an application for faux finish on either your front door or garage door, Management must be contacted for the list of approved vendors. All faux finishes must be kept in original condition or will have to be repainted to the color of the selected color scheme.

At all times garage door and front door colors must match.

Garage door and front door ornamental hardware will not be allowed under any circumstances. 

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